heart on sleeve power-pop/emo band w/ Chrissy Barnacle and Kevin Frew (Halfrican, North American War).
I really like this band and feel so happy to be playing these tunes with some real good eggs.
We have played a good few gigs but have not recorded anything proper yet.
chunky musical trio w/ Laurie Pitt (Golden Teacher, Modern Institute, Thoth) and Joe Howe (Joe Howe, Ben Butler & Mousepad, Gay Against You). sounds like jazz(/fusion), prog, skronk etc
Ultamate Mix: 5 track CD / banana scented portable Heraldic Banner. Entirely self-recorded, released etc. Hand delivered where possible (Sep 2020).
we were the “house band” for the sorely missed Gloss Canteen at Civic House from late 2019
amongst other things, this meant playing “smooth jazz / jazz-funk” at popular Friday dinner events. We would play for about 3+ hours as the soundtrack to an extremely delicious meal.
we put together a ceilidh set 🏴 and played a couple of very speical events for friends in 2019.
live recording included on a compilation by Glasgow label Huntley + Palmers - free download (Jun 2019)
we were very kindly asked to perform as a backing band for artist jessica higgins for her performance at Outskirts festival in Easterhouse. We also performed a “normal” set at this event (Apr 2019).
a solo project built around analogue synthesisers and singing
not making much music like this in the past couple of years, but I put out a compilation of archived tape recordings in October 2023 - ‘Duke’ - listen on BandCamp
song included on I Could Be Your Unicorn cassette compilation on Number4Door in association w/ GSA Queer Society for their launch in Aug 2014
this all started w a piece called Analog Synthesis Approximations of the Dialogue between Structuralism and Post-Structuralism in Architecture Considered in Relation to Foucault’s Principles to the Art of Living Counter to All Forms of Fascism which was performed at Glasgow City Halls in March 2014
Robert Sotelo (2017-2017)
good + thoughtful psych pop from London (now Glasgow-based). i played bass in the live Robert Sotelo Group!
an album called Cusp came out on Upset The Rhythm in September 2017. i didn’t play on it so it’s ok for me to say “it’s good and i like it”
i’ve played in lots of other bands + done some one-off musical things. i’m always open to collaborations and contributing to other people’s stuff!
I’m interested in creative applications of software, making software (+ development) accessible, and interesting ways of thinking about web technology.
I work at BBC Bitesize, the BBC’s flagship online education resource for school age pupils in the UK, since Feb 2022.
I worked at Delic, an Edinburgh-based platform for collaborative music, from September 2021-February 2022. Development in React w GraphQL, AWS etc. Startup culture (rolling w the punches 🥊).
I worked as a software developer at Snook March-August 2021. Work with public sector clients on service design projects. Coding in React and Django, plus lots of dev-ops exposure! Learned lots from some amazing people from non-software disciplines.
I taught software skills at the coding bootcamp CodeClan from 2019-2021. I worked with Python, Ruby, React, Node, Java, Vue etc, and I got tons better at being a software dev.
I worked as a full stack developer for Cezanne HR from 2017-2019. I worked with C#, .NET, TypeScript & Angular.
MSc Software Development masters programme at University of Glasgow. I got an A average grade. Graduated November 2017.
Selected Projects:
film club repeating stars: a quick web app to find the recurring stars in my Zoom film club. Argyle from Die Hard was a child actor in Blues Brothers - who knew! React app w data from The Movie Database.
cococnut gallery: web app that requests camera access, uploads a photo, and prompts the user to draw other photos using HTML canvas. Ruby on Rails w storage on AWS S3 (Summer 2020).
Bandcamp BLM Bot: during the coronavirus pandemic, bandcamp started to waive their fees on the first Friday of every month in order to support musicians. I made a twitter bot (in Ruby) that re-tweeted musicians, labels etc that are donating their profits to Black Lives Matter, bail funds, support charities etc (June 2020).
twentytwenty: simple presentation viewer built early 2020. I made this to try out Strapi CMS and learn React hooks.
source room: functional website for a fake art gallery. Full stack web app w/ no javascript 😲!!!
I do a regular monthly slot on Clyde Built called Weights + Measures w my pal Ewan.
I’m trying to keep the shows collated in a soundcloud playlist for ease of access… but also here are some specific links:
Me doing a solo shift in June 2024 off the back of having seen Bernice supporting Fievel Is Glaque at the Flying Duck, so relatively synth-y / modern music
banana oil made a digital zine on a zoom call in May 2021
an amazing old friend Charlie used a tune i made many moons ago under the embarassing moniker Cur$es as part of Gum Crush, a surf video for Stussy (May 2021)
got better at sewing, soldering, knitting, cooking + cocktails
spent a lot of time at home a lot so started a zoom film club w my daft pals, played catan online
Achieved my life goal of buying + moving into a flat w my partner
release of Can’t Go Straight by the band Cop Graveyard - I recorded this (mostly) to cassette + produced, mixed it etc. It’s pretty lo-fi but I really like this album! (Jan 2019)
release of David Thomas Broughton’s Live 2017 (Autumn/Winter Tour) cassette - I played bass on one song (listen) (Jun 2019)
went to Austin, Texas to perform at SXSW festval and had a blast!
made a ~40 min video / performance w/ Banana Oil for The Old Hairdresser’s GI festival programme (documentation incoming)
contributed to N.E.E.T. cassette on Glasgow label Akashic Records. I’m on 3 recordings on the tape, from courses completed at Green Door Studio. tape released August 2017.
Worked for Dear Green Coffee Roasters as a barista / brand rep at lots of events over summer.
hosted a workshop about making electronic music for new students at Glasgow School of Art (part of Fresher’s week).
exhibited photos, wrote a substantial amount of copy and designed a poster for Not Shy exhibition at The Art School in August 2016
Learned lots of drumming, dancing and singing in the styles of Borborbor, Agbadza, and Adeʋu
visited other parts of Ghana + had a nice time 🏝
Completed Sonic Youths music production course at Green Door Studio, and used the allocated studio time to record an EP for my band Fields of Mould. This happened in September
Presented and interviewed a lot of people for a documentary about community radio station Subcity Radio back in July.
Contributed to Glasgow Open House Festival in the form of Psychecon: Quest for the Golden Egg; a “festival companion” web adventure with significant audio component. This was back in May 2015.
co-direction and concept for two music videos for the band Poor Things in March. (1 / 2)
contributed to You Are Here: John Cage Songbooks, an audiovisual installation and performance of John Cage pieces at Scotland Street School Museum, Glasgow in October.
photo / digital print included in I Could Be Your Unicorn, an exhibition of self portraits by artists who identify as queer, at The Art School in Glasgow in August.
multiple sound performances at Glasgow Royal Concert Hall as part of the New Music Biennial showcase weekend in August
did a weird live performance about radio called Human Radio for my Sonic Arts undergrad and got an A2 haha
collaborative audiovisual work with visual artist Rachel Sharpe featured at Niteflights, part of Glasgow Short Film Festival programme in February.
Commissioned to perform sound piece Power Relaxation Quest at Glasgow City Halls (part of Glasgow Life’s sound lab programme) in October.
Took part in field recording excursion to Kyle of Lochalsh / Skye with Touch recording artists Jana Winderen and Mike Harding in September.
Selected photos exhibited at Reprographic, a Glasgow based pop-up exhibition, in August.
Contributed towards Mechanical Wave, an experimental sound performance that was part of Tramway’s Rip It Up season, in February.